Bay Junction

Building Bay Junction 17
Lots of work is taking place on the Model Railroader staff's Bay Junction model train...
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Building the HO scale Bay Junction layout
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"] A scene from Model Railroader's Milwaukee, Racine & Troy model railroad,...
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Building Bay Junction part 1
Beginning in the January 2011 issue you'll see the latest Model Railroader project layout, the...
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Building Bay Junction part 22
Don't miss the last episode of our Building Bay Junction video journal. The editors wrap...
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Building Bay Junction 20
Model Railroader executive editor Andy Sperandeo finishes up the corn syrup transloading terminal in Williams...
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Building Bay Junction part 21
In this episode Model Railroader executive editor Andy Sperandeo discusses the prototypical arrangement of the...
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Building Bay Junction 18
Some areas of the Model Railroader staff's Bay Junction model train layout have been declared...
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Building Bay Junction part 15
The town of Williams Bay takes shape on the HO scale Bay Junction project. Model...
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Building Bay Junction: Part 16
Editor Neil Besougloff declares one end of the Model Railroader staff's Bay Junction...
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Building Bay Junction part 14
Lots of progress has been made on the Model Railroader staff's HO scale Bay Junction...
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Building Bay Junction part 12
The wiring is just about finished on the Bay Junction project layout. Managing editor David...
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Building Bay Junction part 13
Model Railroader senior editor Jim Hediger finished Kelly Appliance Co. and installed the structure on...
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Building Bay Junction 19
The final scenery and details are starting to take shape on the Model Railroader Bay...
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Building Bay Junction part 11
A special guest stopped by while we were working on the railroad. Tony Koester, a...
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Building Bay Junction part 10
David has finished laying all the track for Bay Junction and will show you how...
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Building Bay Junction part 9
Managing editor David Popp continues to work on the cork roadbed for the layout. He...
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Building Bay Junction part 7
The Model Railroader staff is working on the Bay Junction project layout. Managing editor David...
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Building Bay Junction 4
The Model Railroader staff continues to work on the Bay Junction HO scale project model...
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Building Bay Junction part 6
Work continues on the Model Railroader Bay Junction project. Senior editor Jim Hediger made a...
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Building Bay Junction part 8
Model Railroader editor Neil Besougloff builds a stable base for the Williams Bay depot on...
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